1. | BURNS WARD It is the apex centre in South India for Specialized treatment of Acid and Burn injuries with a bed strength of 60. |
2. | DR.AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF DIABETOLOGY The Diabetes Research cell at Govt. Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital was started in 1969 with one Asst.Professor then the department was upgraded to Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Diabetes in 1983. The daily OP attendance at the departments is about 1000 to 1200 per day. |
3. | OBST & GYNAEC FOR RECANALISATION The following are the list of Professors working in Govt Kilpauk Medical College & Hospital and other Hospital attached to Govt. Kilpauk Medical College. |
Dr.B.PALANIAPPAN | For starting Micro Surgery in O & G Dept., |
Dr.MADHANGI RAMAKRISHNAN | Dept. of Plastic Surgery., |
Dr.KISSAR AHMED | Diabetology Dept., |
DR.RAJASEKAR | Urology Dept., |