Paramedical Courses

Paramedical Courses

Details Of Paramedical Courses

S.No. Name of the Course No.of seats allotted No.of candidates joined during 2009 (Male) No.of candidates joined during 2009 (Female) Total candidates joined during 2009
1 Cardiac Sonography Technician 20 (All female) - 2 2
2 ECG/Treadmill 50 - - -
3 Emergency Care Technician 20 - - -
4. Respiratory Therapy Technician 20 - - -
5 Dialysis Technician 20 - - -
6 Anaesthesia Technician 35 - 1 1
7 Theatre Technician 35 4 1 5
8 Orthopaedic Technician 35 (All Male) - - -
9 Certificate Radiological Assistant 10(8 General 2 Service) 3 (General) 4 (service Candidates) 3 10
10 Diploma in Medical Lab.Techonology 100 4 26 30
Total 345 15 37 52

2 Seats have been allotted for Physically Handicapped candidates and two female candidates have been joined.

Hence the Total seats = 345 + 2 = 347.

Total Female Candidates joined during the year 2009 = 37 + 2 = 39.

Grand total = 52 + 2 = 54.

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